You know, sometimes people irritate me. Not in the, you're in person and you're doing things that will annoy me. But rather, when they feel the need to spread their opinions all over you in a buttery slime that you just can't shake off. It has no affect on you, and you can wash it off, but the grease left behind is inevitably irritating. Like when you get a base on your hand, and you can't wash it off with soap because those are bases. Then all you have to do is use acid to wash your hands of it.
The world keeps washing our hands with acid.
Society has created this image that people cannot be several things at once. The liberal people are accepting, and yet, hate conservatives. The conservative people are close-minded, and therefore hate everyone, especially the liberals. The religious people do radical things like hate all gays or picket the war, and yes, this is ALL religious people. The liberal people are either gay or obsessed with politics, and they worship Obama. Then, when these groups of political people mix, or change and become a little bit different, everyone needs to wash their hands of it. People try to become free of these awful stereotypes that belong to the other groups, because those are NEVER things that would belong to them. We wash our hands of each other; the problem is, in the chemistry of life, we're all bases. And washing each other off requires acid. Our world is becoming more acidic, and irritating the skin that coats our lives.
Why is it that there are categories? Why is it that there are labels? It seems as if our world is a world full of opinions and beliefs, and you're not allowed to hold onto too many different ones. You can't fall in more than one category or side with both sides. It's like a rule. It's the whole, you need to be black or white, and with that, one of them is right and one of them is wrong. But it's never your side that's wrong. It's never the other side that's right. The lines drawn between things can never be erased. They can move, and cause more people to be on one side than the other, but things are never erased.
This acid we're building up among us, this acid we're using to throw one another off of each other, it's only going to hurt us. We can't continue to function this way, because to be honest, it's ridiculous. We are making a humanity inhumane in our attacks on one another.
I'm sorry that I have my opinions. I'm sorry that they don't always coincide with yours. But hey, I try not to judge you as much as I can. I'm not going to say, "Oh, I never judge," because that's an irrelevant statement. We all judge. But our choices of whether or not to go farther with the initial judgment, or to shrug it off and form opinions of tolerance in misunderstanding create who we are as a human race. Forming opinions of acceptance when things vary from ourselves creates who we are as a human race. We can't expect things to be lovely and always coincide with our opinions, or we would never have reason to have opinions in the first place.
I'm sorry that I'm ranting about this. I'll be the first to admit that I am not informed about current events, and that I am not super into politics. However, I have opinions about issues that exist in our world, and some of them might be more conservative, and some of them might be more liberal. However, I am who I am. And when people bash, say, all religious people, or all people with conservative views, or all people with liberal views, all of those kind of affect me. It's not entirely fair to assume that people fall in only one category, or even to judge the other categories. People form opinions based on an entire lifetime of happenings, how much they choose to get involved in politics and be informed throughout time, and just the personality that they possess changes everything too.
Mostly, I'm sorry I don't speak up. Everyone else (and by everyone else, I mean the people who think that they need to be heard at all times) speaks up, and I choose to blow off steam in a blog instead. It's basically just my little way of saying that I have a voice, I have an opinion. I am not a label, a stereotype, a party, a belief system. I'm a person. And that's what humanity is about. Looking at people as, just that, people.
We need to stop the acidic tendencies and just remain basic.
Humanity is basic.
And therefore, so am I.
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